Thursday, March 19, 2009

Body-Snatching Auto Maker Attempts to Avert Asbestos Lawsuit

In what has to be one of the most outrageous attempts on record to avoid a lawsuit, Chrysler Company sent a process server to reclaim body tissues before one of its victims was properly in the ground or the widow had returned home.

According to a local news station, Harold St. John of Cranbury, New Jersey sued Chrysler and Honeywell because his job as a automobile brake mechanic in the 1950 and 60s led to his untimely death at age 67 from what he, and his family, charge is malignant mesothelioma.

Mesothelioma is caused by asbestos, commonly found not only in automobile brake linings but also in insulation, floor and roofing tiles, tile glues and acoustical ceiling panels, as well as other products, up to the 1970s, when health officials began realizing the dangers of asbestos and moved to ban it.

The ban was only partially successful, when in 1989 the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, or EPA, moved to outlaw asbestos in most American-made products. Asbestos is still used by foreign manufacturers and imported into the U.S. in the form of brake linings and other products, though most responsible auto dealerships select only asbestos-free, American-made products where possible.

In St. John's case, the process server showed up at the gravesite and demanded the body be returned to the mortuary for tissue sampling - such tissues intended for use in an upcoming lawsuit - slated to begin March 9 but delayed as a result of St. John's untimely death on Feb. 28...

Read the rest of the story:

Body-Snatching Auto Maker Attempts to Avert Asbestos Lawsuit


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