Monday, January 24, 2011

Process server charged

Daily Telegram - 1/24/11

A 33-year-old Adrian man is accused of falsely claiming he served legal papers for civil lawsuits in Lenawee County District Court on four people while working last year as a process server. William Eugene Millner was arraigned Monday on felony perjury counts that carry a maximum five-year prison term.

Millner is charged with falsely testifying at a hearing in district court on Oct. 22 that he personally served an Adrian man who was being sued by a bank. He is also accused of falsely signing notarized documents claiming he personally served that man and three other people with lawsuit summons and complaints during July.

Read the rest of the story:
Process server charged

1 comment:

  1. Wow I wonder if they will prosecute lawyers for the foreclosure fraud, false signings and oath statements?
