By Kim Smith - ARIZONA DAILY STAR - 01.30.2009
Server may not have given them properly — or even at all
Tucson City Court is waiving a $26 processing fee for nearly 200 people who were caught speeding by city photo-radar cameras but who may not have received their citations properly.
Court administrators announced last week that they were investigating 1,000 photo-radar citations that were supposed to be delivered by a process server employed by Hawkins and E-Z Messenger Legal Support Providers.
The court had received more than a dozen complaints from people who received notices that a default judgment had been filed against them when they had never received their photo-enforcement citations, said Chris Hale, deputy City Court administrator.
The investigation revealed the process server may have filed false affidavits indicating he'd served people properly when he may have served them improperly or not at all, Hale said.
Read the rest of the story:
192 caught on radar cameras have $26 process fee waived
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