Friday, January 23, 2009

Fraudulent Tickets Tossed in Tucson - January 23, 2009

Over one thousand of American Traffic Solution’s photo fraud tickets will be dismissed in Tucson after it was revealed that the process server lied about their delivery.

If paid, the notices would have an estimated value of over $183,000.

Such breaches of justice and trust are becoming more the norm rather than the exception. In September, broke the story on a process server who used a racial slur while delivering a Redflex-generated notice. In December, the Phoenix New Times reported on a server who impersonated a UPS driver to deliver a notice, drawing the wrath and anger of UPS officials.

Read the rest of the story:


1 comment:

  1. OK...I don't get it. How can someone - a professional - lie about completing service? Do they really think they can get away with it? Unbelievable! It just burns me. It sounds as if the Process Server needs to be served some papers. I say a public flogging is in order.
